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The Ophiuchus Oracles

The Zodiac as known from a western viewpoint has been arranged in a circle of 12 houses or sun signs. However there are many types of astrological configurations, calendars used. Ophiuchus is one of many constellations and according to ancient Chaldean history, the modern astrology is quite different and no comparison to the ancient sun, moon, star gazers maps. What is used these days is not complete nonsense but has some semblance of the actual motions of the planets, stars, or heavenly bodies. The heavenly bodies are all located in the skull of peoples, part of the ultimate human secret. A knowledge that is much talked of now as the information has been deciphered by many who sought answers to age old questions concerning what it is to e human being rather than a human doing.

Ophiuchus is the “mind” or governor of the 12 house western zodiac. Aries the head, Taurus the neck and so it continues relating the human body to the heavenly body formation. Ophiuchus or snake bearer has been associated with many icons such as King Arthur and the round table of knights. It is associated with information, government of the human kingdom. Ibn’Arabi mystic philosopher’s book Divine governance of the human kingdom and other alchemist philosophers wrote of this in a language now mostly obscured by modern languages, present day rhetoric and social ignorance.

Most people read and have been told to read and accept the bible and other holy works as absolute literature. However this is misleading as it was written in a language most have no basis for understanding despite the many worldwide translations of al chemical, spirit matter to the base level of physical material level. Most can not grasp the original intent and meaning. This is a gross example of “lost, ignorant language disseminated like propaganda to the ignorant masses who just do not think for themselves and rely on appointed others to enlighten them. The 5th Kind.TV has clarified this book and the mainframe is works of “The Powerful Ones”. You can find them on you tube.

Many people use a moon calendar. The moon is associated with water, love and Venus is associated with love itself. Love of the beloved however one envisions the beloved. When the feminine principle was “lost”, usurped and named as hidden. The meaning of occult. This is when the heavenly bodies were rearranged to fit that timed period. It is nothing to do with gender, it is how energy moves. Ophiuchus moves like a snake and it flows like Venus through the sun signs. It is impacted greatly by mercury itself if it is retrograde, transitioning or moving in a forward direction. It is not a linear or circular flow emanating from a singular point. Rather a convergence of energies like a shuttle that picks up energy as it moves. The weavers, spinners of wool into yarn have a crude rudimentary process that image empowers the action of the energetic flow. The Norns in Celtic culture are symbolic of this weaving process of energy.

It is not just matter, it is thought, light, sound energy on all levels even molecular, DNA level of processing. The constellation Ophiuchus was once part of the Hydra constellation, from whence the myth and legend of Melucine, Medussa arises, the three Norns and the lady of necessity of Norse culture. The Greek fates are all part of the mystery. This all stems back to ancient pre- Sumarian, Mesopotamian civilization recorded on clay tablets of a much older chronicle involving planets Tiamat / Nibiru in a great cataclysm. The aftermath of a great celestial battle that is still ongoing. In the records of the Yuga, Vedic, Naga culture of Harrapa, Mohan Daro and ancient Persian historical periods. The Persian empire covered a vast portion of the earth and now as the earth is very much different than it was. The Hierophant is the tarot card for this constellation. The bearer of wisdom, the snake, the kundalini technology, Sequencing of the DNA genome and manipulation. Dragons were once thought of as snakes, their nature is quite different.

The quiet warriors of light who have shared their wisdom in their own unique way. Some appear as anonymous, nothing attributed to them passing into other reality realms with no issue. Others have no names in historical references to events perceived as magical, supernatural, often marked as genius. Here are a few the others remain anonymous; Pamela Colman Smith, Roslyn Franklin, Hassan Didier, Zruvan Mohan, Abra’il Didot, Ophelia Mokoshe, Niamh Maguire. Nicola Tesla is well known for advocating Energy, Frequency, Vibration, he knew the sacredness of 3-6-9 vibration called A-U-M symbol OM. A guardian of light. The Hermetists have a symbol of The Perpetual Lamp of Wisdom forever burning on the Alter of Truth in The Treasury of The Heart.

The Ophiuchus oracles can be read on My Facebook page Yvonne Moonflower Thompson. You are welcome to friend me to read the oracle postings on that page. The Magnus Opus of this mystic is being formulated and will be made available for purchase.
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Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)