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Seidr Sukhavati

Welcome to the place of new beginnings the home of internal bliss ( Ananda ). I am your guide the Seer of Moyle of ancient ways for lifting your vibrational living self, beyond the limitations that encumber a vital lifestyle. Your skill set will be enhanced if the tools are used wisely. A seidr is an old name for a seer,mystic, shaman, magician. This is a sanctuary of wisdom for intelligent, constructive and life transforming information and insights. Mysticism, consultations and vocational pursuits are offered here. Using good thoughts, good words and good deeds to consciously craft and mindfully manifest your sovereign self that when integrated assists you in attaining an abundant lifestyle.

When one is safe, you relax and can be opened up to positive life changing possibilities. The Ophiuchus oracle on my Facebook page Yvonne Moonflower Thompson is such a tool and a niche for civilized expression of inner emotions. It assists, enhances cognitive fluidity functioning. As opposed to cognitive dissonance and emotional discord. Ophiuchus is a constellation represented by the Hierophant tarot card and the gemstone blue topaz. Ophiuchus is The snake bearer and head of the zodiac. It is all about information. It travels into each sun sign spending two weeks in each much like the moon. It is not a linear path.

I see through you. I can see you through. Through you I see. Thou art for the future, for the future though art. The future of your heart can be a heart full future.

There are three coaching methodologies used to bring out your best self. 1. Short term coaching. 2. Crisis coaching. 3. Long term coaching. Ultimately it is using your life force energy appropriately to manifest your chosen life style and maintaining the quality of both. Desire and demand for change is essential, having a vision of that and i help you put a plan, process together to achieve the desired change or goal to be achieved. Resistance is a stumbling block. Resistance is manifest many ways including ignorance, monks’ pride, gas lighting and one’s belief system, fear even love itself and its misunderstanding and misinterpretations can be a stumbling block.

D x V x P > R = C

D = Desire and demand for change. Dissatisfaction with the status quo. V = Vision for the change. P = Plan and process for achieving the change. R = Resistance to change. C = Change the learner most desires, the goal to be achieved.

Using analytical methods, analytical and continental philosophy to identify a problem, issue or topic I assist you to develop solutions or deepen your understanding of the problem, issue or topic. Approaching every setback and failure as an opportunity to learn. Incorporating past learning to solve present problems, issues. Getting to the heart of the matter and finding the logical solution; improving one’s decision making so being – in-the-world ( Dasein ) can be a blissful experience. The value and complexity of any state currently experienced can be clarified by this process.

  1. The past, descriptive, explaining what happened.
  2. Diagnostic, explains why it happened.
  3. The future, predictive, forecasts what might happen.
  4. Prescriptive, outcome, recommending an action based on the forecast.

Vocational pursuits includes but not limited to skills, talents you can develop to provide, sustain self and loved ones. Learn to cook, sew, knit, crochet, how to care for clothing, developing patience, compassion, empathy , It can be anything you are interested in, passionate about developing or improving. See some of the posts here it may stimulate your curiosity.

Master the self, get out of your own way, challenge those emotions and any long standing issues. All can be resolved, transformed and re framed, refocus and grow, re orientate your mirror neurons aka wings so you can fly beyond the maddening chaotic crowds and limiting social consciousness. Mercury retrograde aspect is a good time to do such things allow us to be your guide to personal transformation. One on one in person, what’s app, and zoom are available for coaching and consultations.
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)