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Metaphysical and Occult (hidden as in sacred often protected and thus secret) are sometimes misconstrued. The masses call it magic, sorcery, even tantric which actually means technique. It is the work of the alchemist, the sage or wise ones and the tools they use to manipulate the universal energy and other sources of energy like the life force energy. Deconstructed to the elements earth, wind fire and water. All have essence, spirit, angles of light or angels association, Kundalini of the ancient vedas is part of it. That also is systematized into the chakras. Given colour associations according to the angle of light and vibration frequency. There are numerous chakras in and around the body and the earth globe itself. It can be seen, but more often felt, yet it is beyond a feeling. Often called intuition. The third eye, clear active, whole pineal gland is important and essential in metaphysical matters.

Even the countries and hemispheres, continents have chakra associations.Gemstones and semi precious stones, incense all have a vibration frequency, salt, light, are all included in this universal metaphysical system. Understanding the universal laws that govern the life force on this planet earth is a good place for the curious to start. Many countries and cultures, tribes past, present have put their interpretations in symbols and books of wisdom for those they viewed as future. Some maintained an oral tradition. It is from these marvelous works and wondrous insights the rune came, Vedas, Gathas, Magnus Opum of alchemist tradition, hermetic tradition gave the Kyballion, the bible not to be read literally as it is by mainstream ( of many authors of light ), the quran from angel Gabriel (plagiarized from the sabian mandean priests ) Earth chronicles of the Sumerians before those from the heavens fell (Annunaki, watchers) later made Mandean / Zurvanites. The list is short as there are many works out there.

Chakras technology and conducting the life force energy in a way in which one can access their source of power. Unleashing the positive power within; using that power with wisdom is the main concern at this site. To empower the individual in a way conducive to their own well being. In a way that they do not deceive them self and no one is able to deceive them. (Yazna 43:6)

Consultations and contact information are available to interested individuals and groups. This is not about religion or ethnicity as it tends to limit openness and access to the universal life force energy.

Picture courtesy of Yari Mac Lir
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)