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Nutritional Counseling, Yoga tune-ups

Our subconscious patterns can often be detrimental to our well being. Those ingrained patterns that have become habit, lifestyle and often stagnant stemming positive productive growth in many areas of life. Sometimes it is linked to our belief system. the choices of food, drink is linked to that patterning be it cultural or otherwise. Attending to the inner environment can greatly assist anyone who is in need of change and a clearer perspective, energy to move forward with life.

Nutritional counseling offers a guide to living in harmony with nature and the seasons, natural health and well being. Find out who you are as to nutritional type (Ayurveda system) and what you need to bring balance to your unique life. Pamper your body mind and soul. Practical advice to maintain good health, food, diet and recipes for your individual success. Seasonal living strategies.Cleansing, detox therapies and weaving your hopes and dreams into your life. Positive thinking and meditation to help you maintain your new balance. As a cannabis sommelier Corlunas can assist one improve and balance deficient indigenous Endocannabinoid system, through informed supplementation and home remedies and exercises. eg. Learn to breath make sure all 4 sets of sinuses are open a common ailment for many.

Develop awareness and improve your body posture. Know your body clock and how to deal with ageing naturally. Ayurveda Rasayana is the nutritional aspect, one limb of the yoga ladder. Many yoga’s depending on what needs are to be addressed. Yoga nidra addresses relaxation as does Tibetan Kum Nye a gentle restorative type of yoga. Yoga has been given many definitions in the west basically meaning union. Corlunas focus on the gentle transformative side of yoga to bring inner balance, union, harmony to body, mind and so your soul can thrive in your body. Your temple, vehicle whilst on this earth plain. Then as desired you can astral travel, project and manifest your own unique present and future; using these timeless techniques.

Picture courtesy of Magyar Zruvan (Hungarian Gypsy King)
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Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)