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Energy Medicine From Flowers

Energy medicine has been available to humanity for eons. Since the early days of Alchemists~3000BC evidence has been discovered. It is mindful medicine for divine support. Smooth transitioning forward with the higher, clearer vibrations for this 21stC. Under different names and guises the mind – body medicine targets and assists in clarification, balancing of perspective, emotions and mental concerns.Gentle enough for children, more mature , animals and plants. Flower essences carry the signature vibration or quality of the flower itself. It’s spiritual essence called the MEGIN. Each flower has it’s own vibration and thus healing properties.

These flower essences are lovingly handcrafted from organic, local flowers; using homeopathic and Dr. R Bach techniques.Formulated for the higher vibration of the 21st C, incorporating the balanced energies of the sun and the moon. They address the core of any issue producing balance, awareness and clarity of perspective. Assist in physical recuperation.

Dosage: One can not overdose on flower essences. Place about four ( 4 drops ) drops into a water bottle with water/juice and sip through the day. Do this for about a week. Depending on your initial state it may be transmuted in a few days. It is not a one shot cure all, yet they are very effective on many levels. There is a consulting service to assist lifestyle improvement and self transmutation using the flower essences. Please contact our professional advisor ( certified nutritional herbalist / Registered Bach Flower practitioner / teacher ) at

The Corlunas Flower Essences

Bleeding Heart : A heart shaped, pink to red flower. Opens the pathway to the heart via the Mun Dao / Dan Tien / Triple warmer meridian channel. Alleviates depression, boredom and allows you to feel. Dissolves the back log of emotional blocks. Assists with some frigid forms associated with deep heart issues. Once removed and the heart blocks dissipated, one’s ability to love self and others more unconditionally is made aware. Along with self acceptance this flower essence connects you to your source of well being, or what will bring those qualities to be. Great remedy for issues around death, patterns of imbalances, entangled relationships, fear based relationships even with the self, grieving, abortion, miscarriages, neediness, possessiveness, codependency, narcissistic involvement.

Bluebell: Blue bell shaped flower helps release murky thoughts, ease depression bringing inner light, clarity, beauty, space to breath when in mental darkness. Assists in facing the shadow side in the dark night of the soul. Thaws frozen feelings now emotions that keep the body locked in unhealthy self limiting patterns. Gently guides through trauma issues, providing third eye / intuitive solutions and promotes the lung meridian better functioning. Therefore self expression is possible through the throat chakra filter, shyness is alleviated, ambiguity, resistance to change, depression, being tongue tied lessens and confidence gained by strengthening the will. ( Hanuman Chalisa and Ganesh Mantra enhances the vibrations effectiveness of this flower essence )

Cinquefoil: The yellow flower can be seen growing wild along hedgerows. Commonly called St. John’s Wort, the flower essence assists with communication with the higher self. Connecting lower and higher chakras by releasing fear and aggregations stored in lower sacral chakra system. This chakra is often compensated, tired, lethargic, over used in most. Cleanses the energy field of imprints / vulnerabilities which attract negative, depleting energy and personalities to a person. Releases residual emotional knots usually formed in traumatic childhood that have accumulated in the sacral chakra. ( Fear, shame, shunning, living in impaired family dynamics, Stockholme syndrome, witnessing death and fear of death, cut off from family / birth family at an early age. This is especially helpful essence for sensitive, dreamy children, children and adults who have had profound traumatic / hard to explainable experiences. They are less playful children / closed off adults, abandonment issues / divorce / broken relationships, multiple personality issues, long standing unhelpful patterns, restrictions, restraints, social / sexual / body inhibitions.

These deep issues take time to resolve and it is not a one shot cure all. It has to be approached in steps, degrees using hermetic principles. This and other flowers can transmute these deeply entrenched emotions. Bringing clarity, trust for one’s self and others in a nourishing way. inner creativity, stability and integrity is revitalized. The female / male balance is restored and energy levels harmonized and balanced. Other therapies can greatly assist the transmutation eg: Past life regression, hypnosis ( conversational and quantum hypnosis training ) Great mother meditation, Gayatri mantra, Laxmi mantra for health and therefore wealth are very beneficial

Clover: For those easily influenced by group energy, group thought this is a wonderful flower remedy. It addresses the root chakra at the base of the spinal column; especially when has been uprooted, traumatized and un grounded. The foundation is gently restored and the chakra pathway cleared beyond the heart chakra.Providing the reassurance, safety and energetic provisions at all times. Especially when one is called upon to adapt with grace and confidence in trying circumstances. Helps you stand your ground. Remain true to your identity. Calm, centered and steady presence. Assists when dealing with cognitive dissonance, cluster B personalities, narcissistic energies. It overtime and regular usage cleanses, balances the psychic properties of the individual. Calms the emotional body and diffuses any chain reaction into their electrical system. Cleans and activates the pranic tube. Similar properties with the purple clover which acts on a deeper level for a more thorough clean up of the cognitive zones. This flower essence is required when feelings of financial insecurity and the stress associated with it, where there is intolerance, blaming, bullying or being bullied / judgemental attitudes, doom, death, fear, family concerns, panic, paranoia, public speaking issues and when one is required to speak one’s truth, panic / mass hysteria. Adopted children thrive well with this flower essence.

Crab apple: A white blossom from the crab apple tree. Assists healing from karmic issues, abuse by releasing energy stored in the psychic system. Energetic lesions left there from parents, caregivers. Infuses awareness of one’s own feelings giving a fresh original sense of true self. Purity, self acceptance, self worth and self love are made known. A great cleanser, separating one’s own emotions and feelings from others. Part of the internal alchemy. This flower essence is often required when there is obsessive, compulsive behavior towards cleanliness or lack of self care, slothfulness, self berating, ” negative self attitudes “, draining of life force energy, lack of motivation, mild depression, recovering from grief and loss, chronic escapism. It cleanses the murky aura.

Chrysanthemum: These flowers come in many colors. The white flower was used for this batch of flower essence. Bringing light in dark times our personal winter. Assists the way forward, shows one where their talents are when lost in unknowing what to do. Gives fresh, clear perspective and vigor to pursue one’s dreams. Soothes grief / loss healthily whilst one can go through the necessary grieving process without being sucked into the infinite abyss of misery. The yellow flower has the male / fire energy. The nordic ancestral rune OTHALA is active here.

Daisy: This is a remembrance of simplicity of harmony, purity, clarity and balance of male / female energy. The great potential of innocence. Releases feelings of stress and being overwhelmed by complexity. Restores one’s inherent natural ability to heal thyself and fortifies the immune system, strengthens the magnetic field by stripping away what is no longer necessary. Allowing one to be in the natural vibrational state. Helps gather scattered bits of energetic information and assemble them into a better, greater whole. Air/ feminine energy and balanced sun / moon energy access the soul’s inner wisdom.

Dandelion: This is grounding and energizing. Clears energetic patterns of addictive behaviour eg. alcoholism, chemical sensitivities anything embedded in liver and gall bladder. Supports the release and detox of emotional and physical imbalances that feed hormonal imbalances eg. menopausal hot flashes. Increase in clarity, focus and stamina. Encourages a healthy acceptance of one’s needs and wants as an individual. Sluggish in body, tightness in muscles, fluid retention are addressed with this essence. Vibration of all 4 elements, sun, moon, yin, yang balanced.

Elder Flower: Helpful for children in their darkest of times! Stimulates recovery process by building joy, energy and resilience. Emotional decongestant; stagnant, heavy emotional states are relieved. Replaced with peace and optimism. A sense of beauty and youthfulness is instilled. Relaxes desire for perfection and stimulates natural powers of regeneration and renewal.

Hyacinth: Many colors of hyacinth but all have basic quality of integration and transformation. Helps bind many aspects of psyche back into a unified whole, so the individual may thrive rather than be deprived. Transforms emotional darkness into light of soul understanding. Resurrection of forces of the soul, balances key qualities like calmness. Integration of spiritual and earthly qualities and development of inner hearing. Great to take any time you are lacking anything. Appetite, job, money, determination, passion, self confidence.

Lavender: Calm, soothing energy for sensitive souls whose nerves have been overstimulated. (aventurine crystal is good too) . Allows you to feel unconditional love and assists strengthening self belief. Repetitive, over thinking, over active mind that is emotionally charged with strong emotional attachment (abuse, trauma) is relieved. Strengthens personal boundaries.

Poppy: Female fire energy quality. Sexuality, confidence, wisdom and boundless creativity. It ignites intuition and awareness of dreams, imagination. Assists clairvoyant capacities ” the cup of gold”, “oil of christos”, in brain near pituatry. Helps relieve the sense of powerless, hopeless, anger and depression that may accompany physical or emotional birth trauma. What ever we are giving birth to even ideas. Encourages your soul to feel at home in your body and resonate with grounding earth energies. Deepens connection with nature. The self absorbed,lacking compassion or empathy. these wounded souls can benefit from poppy.

Passion Flower: Passion flower is bright and expansive, crown chakra opening; connects you to higher selves and inner divine. Also the heart chakra is assisted and reveals that the safety net, guardian being is ever present. Draws you close to the force of forgiveness and sets one free from feeling of condemnation or having been crucified. The spiritual body is strengthened with an increasing ability to experience and understand visionary states (message it is conveying). Promotes greater atunement with “christ consciousness”

Lilac: Transforming flower essence. Helps us loosen up and free ourselves from clinging to things being a certain way. Our attachments to people , places and outcomes are transformed. Embrace change and have the ” non attachment feeling “. Soul is rejuvenated, neurological regeneration as memory forces are stimulated that connect soul with joy and life force. Aligns chakras with each other so they can more fully receive and embody healing energy from spiritual dimensions. Gracefully assists us to raise the frequency of our energy fields. Energy stuck in the lower chakras like fear of living, consumed with our own struggle and inner stories create imbalances. Soul amnesia and inability to integrate or be nourished by past experiences of the soul. Especially in childhood, sadness, depression, and sense of burden. Feelings of isolation, alienation and abandonment impacts this state. Reduced sensory experiences as the precursor of dysfunction and brain disease.

Sage: Associated with wisdom. Promotes closer alignment between spiritual and mental bodies. Aids those who are tired, over emotional, frayed and enriched with time alone. Calming and restorative, a clearing essence brings a clear and non judgemental eye. Reveals what may be truly hidden from consciousness. Helps require new resolve, insight regarding dysfunctional patterns and habits that stymie true life purpose. Combined with black eyed susan and chestnut bud flower essences, these qualities are strengthened. Wisdom derived from experience, ability to assess and understand life process from a higher perspective. Imbalances present as ill fated, undeserved attitude and inability to perceive higher purpose or meaning in life.

Thistle: This is the flower essence of movement. Like wands in the tarot deck. Eases family discord that feels painful, unbearable with no solution in sight. It assists in conveying the energy into a positive, lighter direction. Moving stagnant , lethargic energy out of emotional, mental field. Bringing assertive, decisive energy to imbalances. Eg, weak willed. The 4th and 6th chakras are at play here. Highly sensitive, excess yin, lacking courage and assertiveness. Excessively attuned to larger world events and 6th chakra too open.

Violet: Sensitive and highly perceptive , gentle and self reliant people can benefit from this essence, often called water violet. Comfort and contentment with oneself. Self liberation, self expression and individuation. Balances the forces of reception of inner beauty and new found personal will. Prevents aloofness and tendency to withdraw from others and self (ghosting the self). Assists in a warmer relationship with self and others. Maintaining one’s wisdom and dignity, calmness and serenity.

Yarrow: Helps maintain boundaries between what is you and another energetically. It helps you feel safe, contained but not caged. Protective from electronic and other radiation. Develops a luminous and strong auric field. Compassion and inclusive sensitivity. Psychic forces are refined and flexible. Imbalances show as easily depleted, geopathic stress, extreme vulnerability to others and environment, overly absorbent of negative energy influence, psychic toxicity.

Forget me not: Grieving is associated with this essence. Remembrance and relationships. Love that transends death. Lifts you to a higher dimension to deal with emotions without getting lost or over indulging in watery emotions. Resolves isolation, separation feelings. Helps promote greater clarity and stimulate recall and retention of information.

Trishakti: This essence is a blend of 7 organic essences with selenite crystal. Assists in acessing the deeper dimensions of “consciousness” in a gentle way. Awakening from one level and dimension to the next. Harmonious rewiring.

Even though these remedies can be subtle in nature, their impact can be quite profound. Remembrance of our original nature is key to well being and power to manifest a desired life style.


Bach flower 38 remedies.

Druids herbal by Ellen Hopman, Destiny Books.

Energy medicine Sabina Pettitt.

FES Quintessentials

Information from personal gnosis. Picture courtesy of Rose Kelly.

Consultations available please contact or at email provided for further details.
LinkedIn: Didi Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Facebook: Yvonne Moonflower Thompson
Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)