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Natural Home Remedies

Most common ailments can be alleviated using ingredients most people have in their kitchen cupboard. Allergies have become commonplace due to added ingredients in many products made for consumer consumption. Some are a convenience but often bring the inconvenience of allergic reactions. An allergy is a damaging immune response by the body to a substance it sees as harmful and over reacts to it. That substance is called an allergen. Some allergies are due to inherent DNA which has been modified over time and family generations. This is quite rare and often psycho -somatic. Extended usage of some commercial products over time (even generations) has led to a build up of added constituents. These become toxic to the mind-body systems. The DNA can show modification and manifests in all manner of diseases, allergies, mental and emotional aberrations and rare immunity.


TYPE 1: Immediate hypersensitivity reactions involve (IgE) Immunoglobulin E. A mediated release of histamine and other mediators from mast cells and basophils. eg. systemic and localized anaphylaxis, rhino conjunctivitis ( asthma ). Tomato allergy is type 1. Hypersensitivity extends to nightshades like potatoes, tobacco, eggplant. Cross reactions to latex. Strawberries, citrus, oranges; which often imitate eczema. Digestive and respiratory problems can occur. Coughing, diarrhea, nausea, runny stuffy nose, sneezing, stomach pain, vomiting, wheezing, tingling lips, itchy throat, gas, heartburn.

TYPE 2: Cytotoxic reactions Ag-Ab complexes are involved leading to cell lysis or extracellular tissue damage. The antigen is directed against antigen on cells. Eg. circulatory red blood cells or basement membrane. The difference between a normal infectious immune response and type 1 hypersensitivity, is with type 1 the antibody is IgE instead of IgA, IgG or IgM. During sensitization the IgE antibodies bind to FceRI receptors on surface of tissue mast cells and blood basophils. ( IgG plays a role in breast milk compatibility when wet nursing )

TYPE 3: Immune complex reactions. Immune tissue disorder, tissue damage caused by activation of the complement in response to antigen-antibody. Immune complexes are deposited in tissues.

TYPE 4: Cell mediated reaction. Delayed hypersensitivity. Memory response. Antibody dependent. Autoimmune disease, receptor mediated, antibodies produced with the property of stimulating specific cell targets. Eg. Graves disease caused by antibodies that stimulate the thyroid stimulating hormone receptor, leading to over activity of the thyroid gland.


Nickel in cell phones, cheap costume jewelry. Dust mote, heat, cold, additives in laundry products and food, fabric, lanolin in wool, almost anything and even water allergy is called aquagenic urticaria and people develop hives in contact with it ( rare ). Nightshades. Aloe vera same family as onions and garlic ( rare ) Cow milk protein, eggs, tree nuts, shell fish, wheat, soy, fish. Vitamin E side effects nausea, vomitting, diarrhea, headache, rash, fatigue, weakness, blurry vision, female ovaries problems, male testes problems. Pollen, fur, moulds As soon as you suspect an allergic reaction /rash. Avoid contact, apply a cool compress or shower can help a fiery rash, soak it, use anti itch cream if available. ( calamine lotion )


A group of plants the Solanaceae that bloom at night. Includes artichokes, blueberries, egg plants, pimentos, peppers, white and green potatoes, tomatoes, tomatillos, huckleberries, goji berries, okra, peas, petunia, henbone, jimsonweed, paprika, belladonna, black nightshade ( solanum nigrum )some mushrooms, squashes, tobacco. The nicotine is an alkaloid present in nightshade vegetables can worsen inflammation in some people. Note cucumbers, okra, peas and squashes are less “yin” than the other nightshades and intolerance are caused by glyco alkaloids.

Sweet potatoes, beets, parsnips, butternut squash not nightshades. Chilli, cayenne, black and white pepper, tumeric, cumin, cloves, ginger, onion, garlic and it’s powder included. Ginger is anti inflammatory and raw honey contains propolis both can boost the immune system. Lemon, orange juice can also boost be aware if you do have this type 1 allergy!


Vasculitis: Avoid processed foods, grain fed meat. Omega 3, oily fish like salmon, mackerel, trout and sardines are beneficial and for auto immune disease. Flax seed, walnuts, green leafy vegetables, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, garlic, tart berries. Tumeric eases arthritis, joint pain.

Uncontrolled nerve damage pain: A stabbing pain in middle of night. Chronic prickling, tingling or burning feeling all day. Gingko biloboa, gotu kola, arnica, mineral salts for your zodiac type, omega3,6,9. Evening primrose oil. Some over the counter pain killers can help ask your caregiver, pharmacist. Nerve tingling often indicates regeneration, young axions in process of growing; it is different from pressure on the nerves. Nerve healing returning to normal the sensations of weakness, numbness, tingling and burning are common.

Allergy to medications: Anti histamines relieve mild symptoms of rashy hives and itching. Over counter bronchodialators Eg. reduce asthma like symptoms, moderate wheezing or coughing. Corticosteroids applied to skin, given by mouth or intravenously. Suppress immune system to reduce inflammation. Epinephrine by injection can treat anaphylaxis. PLEASE CONSULT YOUR HEALTH PRACTITIONER, DOCTOR, PHARMACIST WHEN USING OVER THE COUNTER MEDICATION. THIS ARTICLE IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION AND NOT FOR DIAGNOSTIC PURPOSES WHERE SUCH MEDICATIONS ARE INVOLVED!

Allergic reactions begin to dissipate in a few hours when the allergen is removed completely. Commonly 1-2 days depending on the individual and severity of the issue!


Wear loose clothing made of natural fabric like cotton. linen. Use humidifier to keep surroundings humid and prevent skin drying out. Keep nails trimmed. Shower daily. Keep stress levels under control. Limit/avoid intake of caffeine and alcohol. Go nightshade free. Drink lot’s of water to keep hydrated. Keep skin moisturized with good moisturizers. Check for allergic reactions to foods Eg: milk, eggs, peanuts, fish, mushrooms and avoid them. Heat, cold, wool (lanolin) sensitivities. Sensitivity lasts for weeks, sudden onset with no explanation, severe, affects whole body, tiredness, weight loss, fever, turns into infection or scarring. Does not improve after self care.

Jock itch: tinea craris is a stinging rash in the groin, buttocks and thigh area. A type of yeast infection that can be contagious. Ring worm may be present. Warmth build up, sweat, skin friction in the area, can lead to abscesses and cellulitis ( rare ), discoloration of the skin and genitals. Avoid tight lycra underwear, tight pants and use better hygiene.


Many of the remedies can be found in the kitchen cupboard. A must for a natural first aid kit. Many items mentioned can be found in the alchemists apothecary natural first aid kit.

OLIVE OIL: Rich in vitamin E, antioxidants, promotes healing and skin renewal. Honey and olive oil can be mixed together and applied to a rash. COCONUT OIL: For jock itch 1/4 C coconut oil, 1/4 C Neem oil, 2Tb Apple cider vinegar, 10d Lavender oil, 10d Myrrh oil, 5d Tea tree oil. External application 2X a day.

VINEGAR: Fights bacteria that cause allergies. Dab on cotton wool ball for 10 minutes 3X a day. Also great for sun burn relief and PH anything. relieves heart burn!

BAKING SODA: Useful in drying skin rashes, relieving itching and inflammation. 1 part baking sods, 3 parts water apply to affected area once a day for 15minutes. Alternatively use baking soda and coconut oil 2X a day for 5 minutes.

OATMEAL: 2C Oatmeal,1C Epsom salt, up to 12drops Lavender optional. Soak in bath tub of warm water for ~20 minutes. Epsom salt is hygroscopic in nature, absorbing excess moisture from affected area, anti-fungal and lavender is antiseptic. Oatmeal soothes itching and calms irritated skin.

Consultations available online regarding natural first aid, psychological first-aid, caring for others. Preventative first aid, CPR, AED for information only not a work place certification. Contact for details.

Picture courtesy of Arbela Didot
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