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This stage is a odorous one. Characterized by the purification or rotting of matter and the ego. If anything sits long enough it can only change. The deep hidden issues of ego are brought out, purified with inner sulfur and mercury working together. One observes color changes from black, white and yellow. Signalling one is closer to the gold of transformed inflamed, wounded, repressed ego. The peacock’s tail a thin oily film on the rotting matter and fumes of sulfur indicate one is making a connection with the divine mind through imagination, the below. Golden warmth of fermentation is from inspiration, the above. Fantasy and imagination are often confused by people. Here the subconscious is integrating into the psyche. Meditation, contemplation greatly assists this transformation. It is a ongoing process. ( Divinely human. love )

During the rotting phase a liquid and leavening agent is introduced to further the process. Just like making alcohol from rotten fruit with yeast. The sugars eaten by the yeast and make alcohol, spirit, essence. Alcohol evaporates to an invisible material releasing it’s spirit. Meditation is the leavening agent, by letting a thing be it can rise expand through the chakra system; opening up the pathway through the crown to receive from the above. Activating and igniting the inner fire with dragon breath the oxygen stokes the inner flame. The lower chakras cascade upward to the crown / Leo / Sun. The fire signs are Leo, Aries / head, locality in body, Sagittarius / ignites wisdom and creativity. Stoking Aries and Sagittarius fire within oneself allows space for the higher chakra to influence the lower chakras.

Regarding imagination and the chakra. The ancient Rishi , Sages of Hindu, Vedanta yoga taught the way to ignite the inner fire, serpent, kundalini. To free one’s self from suffering, remove ignorance and discover the innate spiritual being within. The divine nature of consciousness. Through knowledge ( Fire ) and practicing yoga. They had no teachings or written works for a chakra system. This chakra system and the colors attributed to them were superimposed on the mind- body system they developed anciently. This system was to assist the seeker to visualize this colorless energy, feel the warmth of the inner fire as they contemplated the divine connectivity, in their pursuit of self transformation. All yogas are derivatives of the original cultural forms. The first splitting of source is in the three fire signs aforementioned. There are many chakra the Rishi mentioned 20 Upanishads / teachings and warned about transcendent sensation seekers. Flower power, psychedelic drug movement alone can not obtain a lasting spiritual connection with the divine. Both spiritual knowledge ( Fire ) first and yoga practice second (a tool to manifest ) is the uniting way. The colors seen anywhere for example Red, only red is reflected and everything else is held back. Red is given away, shows, is your quality you perceive and adds to your aura. A protective sheath seen around the body. Black holds everything back or blocks out other colors.

The secret fire is true imagination and this process takes patience, diligence and resilience. Meditation or inner pilgrimage ( Sadhguru on Samadi you tube ) using the chakra system placed upon the body is beneficial. The power of this symbolism for visualization is often underestimated. So now Pandora’s box is open exposing the deepest and most clinging psychic component, our hidden self. This lesser stone of conjunction is exposed to heat, fire. The ego is on the point of destruction and one may be moody, in the dark night of the soul, wounded and resistant, lack energy to proceed, passive and inflamed. ( D.W.Hauk, Paul Foster Case ) This is not the time to give up and sink into depression. Keep your eye on the prize, that which one desires to obtain, the true self. Let the outdoors infuse and inspire with pure chi, prana, life essence, sunshine, rain. The ego transforming occurs on every level, individually, communities, societies. It is a dynamic process as a new psychic center, ego consciousness is being formed ( Sweat lodges are a great place to be )

The symbol of the green lion, green emerald, The magician and the Hierophant, hermit and many death, mutilated images and paranormal events may arise. This is the part of the process uniting body / salt, soul / sulfur, and spirit / mercury into a trinity, represented by a triangle. Hermes Trismegistus the thrice great. The female equivalent from whom Hermes took instruction on the art of alchemy was Marie ( Miriam ) Prophetess. She invented the double boiler, Bain-Marie. As the will power is purified by the father of the metals, Sulfur. Hot and dry, fire and earth. The mother of the metals Mercury ( spirit or mind ) Solid, liquid and gas; moist or watery earth. ” Mokosh ” in sanskrit meaning liberation, merging with deity ( moksa ). Russian mokri / wet. Mokosh is a ancient fertility, earth goddess who protects women in child birth and children. ( Russian Mythology by Pyotr Simonov )

These flower remedies may help ease this phase. Impatiens, Cherry Plum, Lilac essence ( I make Lilac wine that’s good too! ) Eat the best quality nutrient rich food one can buy or make, Detox the liver, spleen, kidneys, Go out for a walk and experience nature and breath in the sun it will invigorate you. There are many ways to get through this. Surround one self with truly good people is a bonus. Flower essences can be found here in the store under alchemist apothecary.

Next: Distillation

Picture from Rider Waite Colman tarot deck. ( Pamela Colman Smith the artist for the deck is one of my grandmothers )
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Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)