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This is about letting go. It can be a scary self examination as one is dealing with Ego and attachments, memory. It is opening Pandoras’ box the monsters fly out but hope remains; once they are gone. It can perceived in many ways. After the fire of menopause, a traumatic event, the deepest repressed levels of subconscious. It reveals what we try most to conceal, our true self, even our soul. Bringing this self into a clearer reality by removing ego projections of own and other ego. ( others ego more so in the separation phase ) These stages are a dynamic interplay of forces and simultaneous and continuous process. Not just a one off. First identify what no longer serves you, what you hold on to like old outworn clothes or belief systems. People holding you back, the no sayers who undermine you and limit your capacity for your desired success. Self sabotaging words and behaviors, “narcissistic ” control, tiredness, fear, anxiety, wishful thinking and lack of doing, following the path of another. Prior to dissolution a person is greedy, judgmental, excessive and yet selfish and have an quite un – grounded optimism in social settings that can be very damaging; especially to more empathic, sensitive people.

This is the water element at play here and all that water is represented in symbology. The moon, feminine qualities, feelings, emotions. Stagnant waters of the ego. Psychological depression, paranormal phenomenon, Crying although embarrassing for most dissolves the crystalline build up of those repressed entities. Unexplained synchronicity and strong spiritual experiences are all part of awakening from traumas. The kundalini life force energy shifts and assists in the purification process. Here the primal / animal brain is in force. The Cerebral spinal fluid is involved in this process as are all systems in the body. The body is a chariot when properly aligned to breath, prana, life force, is a powerful vehicle for manifesting the true self. From this powerful position the fragmented body / psyche is grounded with life force energy flowing through all systems and not leaking out, loosing energy or feeling in pain and dis – eased. You have more resilience, stronger boundaries. This comes from the ” god space” within. ( Lars Muhl gate way to heaven / Law of light books are helpful to read at this stage The Aramaic breath meditation hits the mark. Also Conscious.TV on you tube )

When thoughts, words and deeds are aligned they hit the mark every time. Manifestation has a successful outcome. Know thyself and to thine own self be true ( shakespeare ) for the greatest battle is in the mind. Often mistaken for the brain. This is the power and it involves work only you can do. It is being, showing kindness, self love, discovering self and being is creating your mind. Tapping into your personal essence, life force and directing it in the direction you desire. The life force has no gender, it is chi, ki, prana, kundalini and moves through us all. Flows through us in a beneficial way when we clear all systems of inclusions that hinder and warp it’s journey, flow or passage. This cognitive fluidity becomes cognitive dissonance, perceived psychologically as personality disorders, patterns of thinking that effect and affect behavior. Know thy self, find out what is going on inside of self as it manifests outside of self in your every day world. Find out what meta data, correspondences, triggers you hold onto and armor the true, sovereign, higher and better version of your self. Let go of procrastination and inhibitors to your own self transformation.

Meditations, mantras, persistent prayers, deep breathing exercises,Cognitive behavior therapy, certain types of yoga. Learn about Kundalini and how to awaken the shakti within, to raise it properly . It is like dealing with nuclear energy and has be done correctly at right time and sacred safe space. Then the Pineal gland/ ” third eye ” can secrete the ambrosia, amruta or oil of christos in a beneficial way. This enhances your resilience, confidence and fortitude. ( Sadhguru You tube wonderful teacher ). This is your inner compass and guide, gateway to heaven from where your aligned energy can manifest to success. You never walk alone, even if you are by yourself. ( Liverpool football club song ” Walk on, Walk on with hope in your heart …..and you’ll never be alone! ) Martin luther king speech ” I have a dream ” Luke 11:9 Never give up, Yasna 43:6 ” though who no one can deceive “( Zoroastrian Gatha ). Do not deceive thyself or allow others to do so. Do not let sentimentality spoil your own inner judgement. Judgement is often used deprecatingly, one has to use one’s own faculties and it is more a question of inner integrity an how to discriminate. ( Separation stage helps with that ). Think and act for and from the self, the better self you desire to be. ( look at “imposter syndrome”)

Honeysuckle, Scleranthus, olive, Beech, water violet, Star of Bethlehem flower remedies are great assists at this stage. Damiana for nerves, Essential fatty acids 3-6-9 tonic for nerves myelin sheath. Sage, black cohosh, vitamin flush free supplements for the raging fire of menopause or calcination. Both occur in any gender. Lilac oil brings peace, Lavender oil for relaxation can aid sleep, rest. Plexus bioenergy therapy a healing modality helps with multi dimensional awareness, a gift often perceived as a curse!

The alchemists apothecary at sells flower remedies that may be useful at some stage of your personal transformation. Picture from Ancient enigmas.

Next: Separation
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