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This is the first noted step in the alchemy of personal transformation. It is literally burning off the dross. Towards refining, of the base elements in life.

Alchemists often used symbolic language to disguise the sacred and secret methods of transforming the elements. At this stage you meet the fire breathing dragon that drinks the water! I have met many a person with mean dragon tendencies but it is not of that kind spoke of here. Dragons and snakes have the same meaning.

Calcination is not a easy process. It is a purification on many levels. Calcination of the ego and conscious thoughts are dissolved in the waters of the Id and subconscious mind. ( Dennis William Hauck )A purging of the soul by using the fire, heat inner fire to drive off water / emotion and other volatile compounds. These are thought forms and attachments, correspondences. All have to pass through the fires until they can identify with the transpersonal self or philosopher’s stone. Once the ego and all that is not relevant is burned away, the stone reveals itself. The ego is said by alchemist / philosophers to be a parasite on one’s life force. It is artificial and has no life of it’s own.

Often people suppress their life force or individual essence in favor of ego. Their energy is put into superficial thing and they reduce the power of their life force. They exist in a spiritual drought. The chakras become compensated especially at this stage of the process; the root and sacral chakra. The chakra system is a symbolic system of energy / light wheels in and outside body. They connect to bodily organs and their state is determined by the dynamics of the chakras. and the life force kundalini energy that is coiled three times like a snake at the base of the spine. Normally only 7 are considered as it is quite complicated. The 7 stages of alchemy are connected with the chakra concept and the creation / Genesis of the world in religion, philosophy and alchemy symbology.

Before subjection to the fires of calcination a person is with weak or no boundaries, traumatized by whatever means, broken root, sacral chakra, family loss, low self esteem to name a few symptoms. They are full of rage, anger, libido issues. Through the fire everyone benefits in their presence and they have an endearing humility and people feel safe in their presence with a sense of knowing they are not being deceived by their ego, if any is left at all!

This stage of calcination is attributed to the zodiac constellation of Aries, an oxidation process. The head / mind and the quest for truth. The creative capacity of the imagination or” inner Star “coined by Paracelsus. Not to be confused with fantasy. The great work or Opus Magnum of self transformation can be divided into 4 phases according to the colors produced. Blackening (nigredo), Whitening (albedo), Yellowing (Citrintas),Reddening (rubedo). These are the former lower astronomy. The first stage calcination produces a Lapis a desiccated pile of white ash, used for the next purification stage. These stages are on going in life; as awareness grows you will be able to detect how they are inter playing in your own life journey.

  1. Calcination: oxidation, Aries. 2. Congelatio: Crystallization, Taurus. 3. Fixatio: Fixation, Gemini. 4. Solutio: Dissolution, Melting, Cancer. 5. Digestio: Dismemberment, Leo. 6. Distillatio: Separation of solid from liquid, Virgo. 7. Sublimatio: Refinement through sublimation, Libra. 8. Separatio: Separation / division, Scorpio. 9. Ceratio: Fixing in a waxy state, Sagittarius. 10. Fermentatio: Fermentation, Capricorn. 11. Multiplicatio: Multiplication, Aquarius. 12. Projectio: Scattering of the lapis on the base metals in the form of dust, Pisces. (Alexander Roob)

There are Flower Essences that can assist you at this stage. They work on the emotional level. Agrimony, Impatience, Scleranthos, Larch, Elm and Pine. Star of Bethlehem, Bach’s Rescue Remedy ( for anxiety, panic attacks, stress situations ) Yarrow, Lilac.

NEXT: Dissolution / Letting go ( Honey suckle flower essence ) Picture from Al Jazeera.
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Instagram: moonflower.divine(Alchemist Apothecary)